Conference Information

Venue Convention Center, Chulabhorn Research Institute
(54 Kamphaeng Phet 6 Talat Bang Khen, Lak Si Bangkok 10210 THAILAND)
Date November 24th - 26th , 2014
Organizer Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry
Co-organizer Chulabhorn Research Institute, United Nations University, Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Thailand, Chulalongkorn University, Kasetsart University, Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan

Please click here to see the important dates on the conference.

What's New!

  • The page for participants was updated.New!
  • The updated "Guidlines of presentation" is available at "For Speakers & Chairperson"
  • Excursion: We are no longer accepting application for the excursion, because there is no more place available.
  • There have been the cases, under some computer environments, that short abstract on-line submission is difficult.
    The error message: "You can not use the full sized characters" may come up.
    We apologize for the inconvenience.
    We do still accept your online registration, please proceed with the registration and
    see how to submit the abstract in such cases at the "Short Abstract" section on the registration form.
    Registration & Abstract >>>
    Or e-mail the secretariat: icaec2014@prime-pco.com

International Conference on Asian Environmental Chemistry (ICAEC)

Environmental chemistry and sound management of hazardous chemicals are becoming important in East Asia where industries are rapidly growing and peoples are becoming more conscious to the pollution problems. Environmental chemicals are also a matter of international affairs as they move in the global scale and international conventions have been working on such as the Basel convention, London convention and Stockholm convention. Therefore, ICAEC organized the international conference in other countries; the first time in Hawaii and the second time in Korea three years ago.


Reason why JEC will hold ICAEC 2014 in Thailand

Accompanied with rapid economic growth of South East Asian countries, environmental pollution in these countries has become major concern in recent years. Japan experienced severe environmental pollution due to economic growth several decades ago, including Minamata disease (methyl mercury poisoning) and Kanemi Yusho (PCB intoxication). In order to establish sound management of chemicals and prevent the re-occurrences of similar pollution incidences, it is useful to share the experiences of Japan among South East Asian countries. (In the ICAEC, stakeholders including researchers in both countries will discuss to prevent environmental pollution by micro-pollutants.)
Thailand is a leading country in the South East Asian region and plays as a hub of networks by hosting many international activities related to environmental protection. Furthermore, many Thai researchers have studied in Japan while Japanese researchers have also worked in Thailand. Since active collaborations between the two countries have been carried out, Thailand is most suitable place for discussing the above topic.


Takeshi Nakano, Ph. D
Research Professor,
Research Center for Environmental Preservation, Osaka University

Organizing committee the International Conference of Asian Environmental
Chemistry (ICAEC2014)


Goal of ICAEC 2014

The goal is to attain sustainable development and better environment in South East Asian countries.


Outcome of ICAEC 2014

The expected outcomes are as follows;

  • To declare importance to prevent pollution by micro-pollutants (declare a statement)
  • To make clear environmental pollution by micro-pollutants in South East Asia, East Asia and South Pacific region
  • To strengthen relationship of researchers, particularly young researchers between Thailand and Japan


Important dates

25 December WEB page open
24 March Start Participation Registration
Start Presentation Proposal
Start Call for Papers
10 July 20 july Deadline for Presentation with title Proposal *Extended
20 July Deadline for short paper submission
20 August Notification of acceptance for oral or poster presentation
1 September 15 October Deadline for Participation registration
15 October Deadline for payment of the participation registration fee
24 ? 25 November ICAEC 2014 (International Conference of Asian Environmental Chemistry)
23 November Welcome party
24 November Banquet
26 November Excursion


Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry

To download flyer

Co-organized by



Chulabhorn Research Institute



United Nations University



Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Thailand



Chulalongkorn University



Kasetsart University



Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan


Sponsored by



National Institute for Environmental Studies



Agilent Technologies (Thailand) Ltd.



Buchi (Thailand), Ltd.



Otsuka Pharmaceutical / CIL



Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand



Japan Analytical Instruments Manufacturers' Association






Japan Environmental Technology Association






Shimadzu Corporation


ICAEC2014 Secretariat

Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry Secretariat

3-18-7-103 Koyadai, Tsukuba, IBARAKI
305-0074 Japan




E-mail: group@j-ec.or.jp